How to Protect Your Assets from the ‘Tonia’ Relative Who Will Wreck Everything

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Every family has a crazy relative”. If you don’t know who it is, it might be you. Now, if you’ve seen the documentary Chimp Crazy, you already know who I’m talking about—the main protagonist, Tonia Haddix. Lovable, sure, but also a train wreck waiting to happen. She’s the kind of relative who lives in her own world, causes chaos wherever she goes, and—oh yeah—has zero problem lying to a judge to get her way. Sound like someone in your family?


Tonia is the epitome of the relative you pray never gets involved in your estate. But if you haven’t put an ironclad estate plan in place, she’s lurking in the background, ready to cause chaos. Trust me, if you don’t take control now, your own version of Tonia could derail everything you’ve worked for.


Here’s what your version of a “Tonia” will do to your estate if you don’t plan ahead:


 1. Contesting Your Will: Her Favorite Hobby

Tonia thrives on drama. If she’s not happy with what she gets—or if she thinks she deserves more—she’s headed straight to probate court to contest your will. It doesn’t matter how airtight you think your plan is. Tonia will stir the pot, challenge every detail, and make outrageous claims to get her hands on your assets. Sure, the rest of your family might know she’s full of it, but probate court can be a messy jungle where Tonia could win just enough sympathy to keep the chaos going.


 2. Lies? No Problem—She’s Got Plenty of Those

In Chimp Crazy, Tonia shows she’s got no problem bending the truth, especially when it comes to getting what she wants – she lies right to the judge’s face during a hearing! Whether it’s exaggerating her role in your life or outright lying to the judge, she’ll do whatever it takes. If you think Tonia’s going to respect your estate plan after you’re gone, think again. Without a clear and legally sound estate plan, Tonia’s lies could unravel everything you’ve set up, leaving your heirs in a legal mess.


 3. Delusions of Grandeur: Your Stuff Is Her Stuff

Tonia’s biggest strength is her delusion. She believes whatever suits her story. Your assets? In her mind, they’re already hers. Your home? “I was always supposed to get the family home,” she’ll say, even if you’ve never spoken a word of it. She’ll invent promises you never made, imagine conversations that never happened, and twist your intentions to fit her narrative. And because she’s so convinced, she might actually persuade others that she’s right—unless you’ve got your ducks in a row with an estate plan that leaves no room for her nonsense.


 4. Causing Chaos Is Her Specialty

Tonia lives for chaos. Just like in the documentary, she’ll throw everyone into disarray if given half the chance. She doesn’t care if she burns bridges or wrecks relationships—her goal is to make things as difficult as possible for everyone involved. This is exactly what happens when a will is poorly constructed or when no estate plan exists. The Tonia in your family will swoop in, throw everyone into a legal whirlwind, and leave a trail of destruction that could take years to fix.



How to Protect Your Estate from a ‘Tonia’


So, how do you stop your very own Tonia from ruining everything? Simple: create an ironclad estate plan. Don’t leave room for doubt. Spell out every detail clearly. And most importantly, work with an estate planning attorney (like me!) who knows how to make your plan bulletproof. A well-crafted will or trust can block a Tonia from contesting your wishes, prevent estate litigation, and keep your assets in the hands of the people you actually want to inherit them.


The truth is, you can’t avoid having a Tonia in your life. But you can make sure she doesn’t tear apart your legacy.


The Takeaway: Don’t Let Your Estate Plan Turn into Chimp Crazy


Let’s face it, we all have that one family member who’s going to turn your estate into a circus if you don’t have everything locked down. Tonia’s just the extreme version—the embodiment of every nightmare relative who thinks they deserve more than they should. And just like in Chimp Crazy, she’ll go to any length to get it.


If you want to protect your family, your legacy, and your hard-earned assets from someone like Tonia, you need a solid estate plan. Don’t wait for the chaos. Come see one of our amazing seminars, and let’s make sure Tonia never stands a chance in court.


Safeguard What Matters Most—Act Now!

Michael Monteforte, Jr.
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People come to me in trying times and when I tell them I can help them, the weight falls off their shoulders.
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