Our attorneys and staff are happy to share what they have learned about estate planning and elder law in these thoughtful blog posts. Take advantage of their experience and knowledge no matter where you are in the planning process yourself!
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Why Choose Wealth Preservation Instead of Traditional Estate Planning? Ask Al Pacino!Discover why life-based wealth preservation is the game-changer for your financial future.
Massachusetts’ “Fair-Share Tax” Debacle: Crushing High-Income Earners While Celebrating a False Victory
Having Money Doesn’t PayAre you paying more than your fair share? Here’s Why Having Money Doesn't Pay... Unless You Have the Right Estate Planning Attorney!
The Crucial Divide: Estate Planning vs. Elder Law - they are NOT the sameNot all estate planning attorneys are elder law attorneys
Why January is the Prime Time for Estate PlanningSome people say “New Year, New You” but at Monteforte Law, we say “New Year, New Plan.”
Just taking that first step is “Kenough”.Do I ever think about dying? Well, yes, I am an estate planning attorney.
Estate Planning StinksHow Monteforte Law P.C. and “Wealth Preservation Planning” is revolutionizing the game.
MassHealth has done it again!MassHealth has found yet another outrageous way to kill the middle class with long-term care costs.
A Lesson Olivia Newton-John Can Teach Us.With a terminal diagnosis, people are faced with the concept of mortality. It’s a subject that we act like it won’t happen if we never talk about it.
Goodfellas: A Little Bit of Estate Planning, Mafia-style.Let's take a look at some estate planning for our favorite mobsters, the "Good fellas" themselves.
Estate Planning Lessons from the KardashiansYou need a new estate plan if you get divorced or break up with your partner!
Die Hard DiagnosisEstate Planning isn’t always about death. Sometimes it is about things that many consider to be worse than death.