What a Sinking Ship Teaches Us About Estate Planning


If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a boat, you’ve probably heard the saying: “The two best days of a boat owner’s life are the day they buy it and the day they sell it.” For one man, Chris Willson, the best day was when he finally sold his 293-foot cruise ship—because just seven months later, it started sinking! Yes, you read that right. According to this article on CNN.com, Chris found his dream ship on Craigslist (because why wouldn’t you buy a cruise ship online?) and spent the next 15 years of his life and life savings restoring it, only to see it go under—literally—right after selling it.


So, what’s the lesson here? It’s simple: be proactive. Chris sold the ship just before it hit the waterline. He didn’t wait until disaster struck, and neither should you when it comes to your estate plan.


Much like the holes in Chris’s ship that led to its untimely sinking, life can spring leaks when you least expect it. Health emergencies, accidents, or sudden financial changes can catch you off guard, leaving your family bailing out water if you haven’t prepared. And once your ship is sinking, it’s too late to start looking for a life raft. This is why estate planning isn’t just something for “later” or “when I have time.” It’s a crucial step you need to take before things go wrong.


When Did Noah Build the Ark?


Let’s talk about a story as old as time itself: Noah and his ark. People often ask, “When did Noah build the ark?” And the answer is always, before the flood. He didn’t wait for the rain to start before grabbing some nails and timber. Just like Noah, you need to start building your estate plan now—before life’s inevitable storms hit.


Think of your estate plan as your personal ark, designed to protect your family, assets, and legacy from the unexpected. Whether it’s a health crisis, a business issue, or even just growing older, you can’t afford to wait until the floodwaters are rising to start making plans. Proactivity is the name of the game, and your future self will thank you for it.


Boats May Sink, But Your Estate Plan Doesn’t Have To


As much as we’d like to say Chris’s ship sailed smoothly into retirement, it didn’t. It sank—like a lot of things that aren't properly prepared for the unexpected. Here’s the thing: we can all get emotionally attached to our “ships”—our homes, our businesses, our assets—but if you don’t put plans in place to protect them, the water’s going to find its way in.


Here’s another saying for you: “The best investment you can make is in your future.” Unlike Chris’s cruise ship, which became a costly hole in the water, an estate plan is an investment that won’t sink. In fact, it’s designed to protect you, your family, and your assets from all the things you can’t control. Because let’s be honest, life is full of surprises, and not all of them are sunshine and smooth sailing.


Health Care Proxy and Power of Attorney: Your Lifeboats in a Crisis


One of the most vital parts of your estate plan is making sure you have both a Health Care Proxy and a Power of Attorney. These documents ensure that if you become disabled or incapacitated, someone you trust can make critical decisions for you—whether it’s about your medical care or your financial well-being.


Imagine your ship starts sinking, and no one’s at the helm. That’s what it’s like if you don’t have these documents in place. Without a Health Care Proxy, your loved ones could be stuck in a legal storm, unable to make medical decisions for you. And without a Power of Attorney, no one can step in to manage your finances or handle legal matters. Suddenly, your family is drowning in paperwork and court proceedings, all because you didn’t plan ahead.


Just like lifeboats are essential on a ship, these two documents are non-negotiable in your estate plan. They are your safety net when the waters get rough.


What Happens When the Ship Starts to Sink?


Without an estate plan, you might feel like you're stuck in a sinking ship—scrambling to figure out how to protect your family while water is rushing in. Maybe it’s a health crisis or an unexpected loss, and suddenly everyone’s in panic mode, trying to salvage what they can. It’s chaotic, it’s stressful, and it’s avoidable.


With a well-thought-out estate plan in place, you don’t have to worry about water seeping through the cracks. Whether it's a sudden illness, an accident, or a financial hiccup, you’ve already made sure your family has what they need. Your assets are protected, and your loved ones can focus on what’s important—taking care of each other—not scrambling to figure out what to do next.


Lessons From a Sinking Ship: Estate Planning is About Being Smart, Not Lucky


Chris might have gotten lucky by selling his cruise ship before it sank, but let’s not rely on luck for something as important as your future. Estate planning is about making sure everything is in place before disaster strikes. It’s not just about what happens when you’re gone—it’s about making sure your family, your business, and your legacy are protected no matter what happens.


Think of your estate plan as your very own life raft. Whether it's smooth sailing ahead or stormy seas, you’re ready for anything.


So, what's your next move? Don’t wait until it’s too late! Join us for a free seminar and learn how to protect your family, assets, and legacy before life's unexpected moments catch you off guard.


From health crises to financial changes, having a solid estate plan is your safety net. We’ll walk you through essential documents like the Health Care Proxy and Power of Attorney, and show you how to safeguard your assets.


Register now here and take control of your future!

Michael Monteforte, Jr.
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People come to me in trying times and when I tell them I can help them, the weight falls off their shoulders.
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