Why Every Parent Needs to Secure Health Care Proxies and Powers of Attorney for Their Children

Why Every Parent Needs to Secure Health Care Proxies (HCP) and Powers of Attorney (POA) for Their Children

Life is unpredictable. One moment everything seems fine, and the next, you're dealing with a crisis. Take, for instance, the recent incident involving Angelina Jolie's son, Pax, who was involved in a bike crash. Thankfully, he’s okay, but this incident served as a stark reminder of how quickly things can go wrong.

As a parent, nothing matters more than your child’s safety and well-being. But what happens when the unexpected strikes and you’re not immediately there to protect them? That’s where Health Care Proxies (HCP) and Powers of Attorney (POA) come into play.

Here’s the reality: accidents happen. And while we can’t prevent every mishap, we can prepare ourselves to make the right decisions when they do. If your child were to be involved in an accident or suddenly require medical attention, having an HCP and POA in place ensures that you, as a parent, can step in and make crucial decisions on their behalf, even if they’re over 18. It’s about giving you the legal power to act in your child’s best interests when they need it the most.

We tend to think of our children as just that—our children. But legally, the moment they turn 18, they’re adults. This means that you, as a parent, could be completely shut out of critical decisions about their health and finances. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true. Without an HCP and POA, you could find yourself powerless in a situation where every second counts. Imagine your child lying in a hospital bed, and the doctors are unable to communicate with you because, legally, you’re not authorized to make decisions on their behalf. It’s a nightmare scenario, but one that’s entirely preventable with the right planning.

Most parents don’t think about setting up these documents until their kids are heading off to college, but the truth is, it’s never too early to plan. The moment your child turns 18, they’re considered an adult in the eyes of the law, which means you may not automatically have the right to make medical or financial decisions for them. This can lead to unnecessary complications during an already stressful time.

But it’s not just about emergencies. An HCP and POA can also be incredibly useful in more everyday scenarios. For example, if your child is studying abroad and needs someone to manage their finances or handle a medical situation, having these documents in place means you can step in without hesitation. It’s about giving your family the tools to handle life’s curveballs with grace and confidence.

So, what should you do? Start by having a conversation with your kids about the importance of these documents. Explain why it’s not just about protecting them, but about ensuring they have the right support when they need it. Then, work with an experienced estate planning attorney—someone who understands the nuances of family dynamics and can help tailor these documents to your specific needs.

At Monteforte Law, P.C., we’ve helped countless families put these protections in place, giving them peace of mind that they’re ready for whatever life throws their way. Whether it’s an HCP, a POA, or a comprehensive estate plan, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Remember, peace of mind comes from knowing you’ve done everything you can to protect your family, no matter what life throws your way.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take action now and make sure your family is protected. For more information, click here download our FREE guide, "Take Charge Before The Courts Do", written by our CEO Michael Monteforte Jr. It’s designed to help you navigate these important decisions with clarity and confidence. Because in the end, it’s not just about legal documents—it’s about safeguarding the people you love the most.

Remember, peace of mind comes from knowing you’ve done everything you can to protect your family, no matter what life throws your way.

Michael Monteforte, Jr.
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People come to me in trying times and when I tell them I can help them, the weight falls off their shoulders.
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