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Secrets to Estate Planning for CryptocurrenciesIn this article, we will discuss what you need to know about estate planning for cryptocurrencies.
6 Reasons You're Putting Off Writing a Will and how to Stop!It's an important task that is easy to procrastinate, but here's why you shouldn't.
Can you DIY your Estate Plan?Sometimes even a GOOD Will just isn’t enough to protect what you want...
The Monteforte Law Wealth Preservation System™By applying our system to each client’s situation, we can provide detailed & superior advice & create the estate planning documents to back up that advice.
The Documents You Need At A Special Offer.Get the crucial documents you need now, for a one-time fee.
Is Your Estate as Planned As You Think?7 questions to answer to avoid confusion or fights after you die
The Need for No-Contact Signing during Covid-19This article discusses solutions, based on current laws, for contactless or electronic signing of legal documents in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Using Technology to Assist Clients RemotelyDuring the coronavirus pandemic, attorneys are having to change the way they do business. Face-to-face meetings may no longer be possible.